Be Patient
Have you ever had that kind of conversation with God?
Here are some thoughts to help you get through your season of waiting:
1. Step away from whatever it is that is causing you to feel hopeless or overwhelmed.
2. Rest your body. Get the sleep you need to help your body restore itself.
3. Pray your way through the situation. Keep praying.
4. Recite scripture that gives you hope in God’s promises. Write them down, keep them in your purse or a place that you will see them as a reminder that God is at work.
5. Give praise for prayers already answered.
The best is yet to come. Be patient.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12
If you are struggling with a season of waiting, perhaps you would like to work through one or two of my workbooks:
You can also join a more private conversation about hope over on my Patreon page, where I post several times per week on CHOOSING HOPE… because sometimes we just need to hear it from someone else. Amen?
In all things, choose hope. Remain steadfast, sweet friends.