- Intimacy with God requires silence of mind and body
- Connection requires an intimate daily relationship with God
- Be a seeker of Truth, even if it is painful
- The Grace of God will cover us when we are willing to face difficult truths in our lives
- God often speaks to us through others
- As we begin to see others through the eyes of Christ, we gain wisdom and understanding
- He can transform hearts of stone into hearts of clay
- He has plans for each of us
- God is only a whisper away, yet living in His fullness requires commitment
- He will let us know when our work is finished
- He is a God of forgiveness
- He loves us, imperfections and all
- We are the most harsh judge of ourselves and of others, God does not judge us as “good or bad”, we do
- He will bring to life the dreams that you thought were dead
- We were each created for a purpose
- When I hold out my hand, He will fill it with His Love and Grace