Yaaaay! Welcome to the first day of our 31 day study of Victorious Living!
Today is Sunday, so take time to rest and renew on the Lord’s day.
Week 1: God’s Light
As we begin this study, take some time out this first week to recognize the Light of God. Choose a special candle to light each time you are working on your workbook pages. Let the shimmering light remind you of God’s Light and Love for you. His Love for you can not be quenched, it is eternal.
Here are the scripture verses to take a look at today, along with your workbook.
If you have not ordered your workbook, there is still time! Click here.
Victory in the Light
Day 1 in your workbook:
Prayer: Lord, may the peace of Christ be the ruler of my heart. I give you thanks and praise for the Light of Your Spirit within me. I look forward to the joy and victory that awaits me as I grow in love and trust for you. May your light shine through me and touch others so that they may learn to love and trust in you as well. Amen.
Praise: I give God praise for victorious living through the Light of His Spirit.
Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
John 8:12
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
John 1:5
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Reflection Questions for today:
How has the Light of Christ made you victorious in earthly situations? List 3 examples:
Describe God’s Light as you see it:
How has the Light of Christ brought you victory over defeat?
Write a victory prayer:
Focus on the Light of Christ throughout your day today. Lighting a candle as you do the heart work in your workbook is a visual reminder of God’s Light. Open your workbook to Day 1. Inhale. Take time to pray before you begin reading and working on your reflection questions. Gather all of the materials you will need as you begin this 101 day study. While the primary focus is drawing nearer to Christ through Bible reading and reflection, feel free to make this workbook your own by using stamps, markers, stickers, highlighters, pictures or anything that helps connect you with the daily work. I use mine as journals. I often write out the scripture passages in my “Reflection” area as well as what I think God is speaking to me through the scripture reading.
In the daily assignments, you may be asked to write prayers. Writing a prayer is as simple as having a conversation with God, but putting it on paper. It can be short or long. Give God praise, reflect on the scripture verses you have just read, share your heart, ask for help and give thanks.
I will do a post later on today with my Day 1 journal pages and reflection.
I Love todays study ????
Thank you, Blanca. I love having you in my group. xxxooo