The Victorious Living study is a 31 day journey into my workbook, Victorious Living: 101 Prayers and Praises. This workbook is a result of my own personal journey of faith and victory over obstacles. We all go through struggles but we all look at them differently. Victorious Living is a way to rearrange our thoughts and feelings about our struggles and put them into a more positive perspective through God’s promises for us. We must be cautious of letting the difficulties in life create in us a negative mindset.
As with all of my workbooks, this promises to be a personal journey toward spiritual growth and newly discovered truths for you. During this month long abbreviated study, you will have weekly challenges, which I have outlined, below.
Weekly Challenges for our study include:
Week 1: God’s Light
As we begin this study, take some time out this first week to recognize the Light of God. Choose a special candle to light each time you are working on your workbook pages. Let the shimmering light remind you of God’s Light and Love for you. His Love for you can not be quenched, it is eternal.
Week 2: Prayer
Take time during the study this week to seek God in prayer. Place a cross or a picture of Jesus in your prayer area to give you a visual reminder of His faithfulness and love. You can scroll through Pinterest to find a beautiful picture and print it out to help you along this journey.
Week 3: Praises
Take a praise walk. Think of the many ways you can praise God this week for His mercy and grace. Sing praises to Him on your walk. Look around. Notice the beauty of His creation all around you and give Him praise!
Week 4: Reflection
Take time during the study this week to reflect on all that you have learned about overcoming. To celebrate and honor your spiritual growth, treat yourself to a bouquet of fresh flowers. Place them in your study area to remind you that new spiritual life is blooming inside of you. You are His beautiful creation. Think about what you have learned and how far you have come during this study. Give God praise that He has made you victorious!
The Victorious Living workbook is optional, as I will provide a devotional and the Bible reading plan for each day, but I highly recommend that you purchase the workbook, as this is an abbreviated study and the full workbook is 101 days of scripture suggestions, daily assignments and reflection.
My Blog and Social Media Schedule for This Study
All of the free resources for the 31 day study will be posted here daily and include Prayer, Praise, Reflections and study questions.
I will post daily encouragement and Bible verses on the Hope Filled Living Instagram page. Please feel free to post updates and photos of your weekly challenges by using hashtags, #hopefilledliving or #victoriousliving. I would love to see your candles, flowers and pictures of your journey!
I will post the daily assignments Monday-Friday on the Hope Filled Living Facebook page.
I hope you will join me on this 30 day journey!