Life is a gift. Honor it.
Give thanks for something everyday.
Find joy in small moments.
You can utter the name of God whenever you need him and he will hear you.
Listen to your body.
Eat for health.
Exercise everyday.
Know that God is all around you.
Take care of your teeth.
Get yearly blood work and exams.
Focus on the positive.
Be yourself~ Imperfections and all.
When things get tough, know that you can get through this.
You can do hard things.♡
Your time here is short, but eternity is forever.
Put away a little each week ,consistently to build a nest egg.
God loves good stewards of their money, health, elationships, and gifts.
There is no situation that is hopeless.
Never stop reading or growing, intellectually.
Be kind, even when you don’t feel like it.
When you make a choice, choose hope.
Believe in healing.
Smile a little each day.
Live within your means.
Ask others to pray for you.
Give to something you believe in.
Make sure to touch and be touched.
Enjoy your books so much that you write in the margins.
Embrace the changing seasons.
Take a walk in the rain.
Every now and then …do a cannonball!
Cultivate laughter in your life.
Do what you need to do to be well.
You can’t change people, you can only change yourself.
Dig in the dirt. Plant something every spring.
Comfort others who are grieving.
Give without expecting to receive.
Wrap your Christmas presents with fun wrap.
Keep Christ in Christmas.
Read A Christmas Carol aloud each year.
Establish traditions…they give you roots.
You have something to offer the world.
Don’t accept defeat.
When your plans don’t work out, think of another way to accomplish them.
Timing is everything.
Think of someone who inspires you when you see a butterfly. They were once a chrysalis too.
God will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hold hands.
Accept differences.
Learn a new language.
Light a candle. Put it in a special place. Remember loved ones this way.
Do your dishes before you go to bed.
Hang a cross somewhere in your house.
Recognize the goodness in others.
Try new things.
Recognize that your words have powerful influence. Use them wisely.
God answers prayers, big and small.
God will close many doors in your lifetime, however, he will open many windows.
Know your strengths.
Be gentle with yourself.
Find something you love to do and feel passionate about and do it.
Be a safe person and allow others to be who they are.