If we look at this passage from the perspective of our self-image, it tells us that one of the keys to recognizing our own unique beauty is not in the transformation of our body, but in the “renewal” or transformation of our mind; our thought life. What thoughts do you think about yourself? What messages about your body do you play over and over again like a broken record?
As women, we must make a daily decision to choose to see ourselves in the light of Christ –setting aside what the world says about how we look or should look, instead…focusing on those things that will keep our body and mind strong, choosing first and foremost to concentrate on the work of our heart and the light of Christ that shines through us as we grow deeper in knowledge and understanding of the One who calls us beautiful. Transformation of the mind is an integral part of this process as what we think and believe about God, others and ourselves will determine how we act.
When you are plagued with insecurity and ugly thoughts about yourself, remember that there is a God who calls you beautiful and his love will shine through you, creating an inward beauty which manifests itself outwardly, drawing people to yourself… if only you will let him, by seeking him daily and casting all your cares and burdens upon him. Inner beauty gives us a healthy glow, unlike anything we can buy in a bottle.
“Dear Lord, I release my thought life to you today. Please transform me into your likeness, allowing me to see in myself the beauty, which you see in me. Help me to recognize that the more I work on my Spirit, the closer I grow in relationship with you, the more I will shine outwardly. Lord, help me to meditate today on things of the heart rather than the externally focused ideals that the world hastens me to. Thank you, Lord for calling me beautiful. Thank you for calling me by name. Thank you that I can and will see myself through your eyes today and because of this will be more open to giving and receiving love.”