Day 81.
Only God Can Quiet Our Discontent.
We were made to crave God. We can spend a lifetime searching, trying, doing… feeling unfulfilled, like something is always missing, but the truth is… the discontent we feel is our soul thirsting after a relationship, a close communion with our Creator. Nothing else can quiet the discontent of a hungry soul like Jesus. We were made to crave a relationship with the Everlasting–our Holy One.
As you think about the “shortcomings” you feel in your life, pray this prayer:
Dear God, I am constantly reminded of my own shortcomings… always falling just a bit short…trying with my human effort to better my self-esteem. When I cannot do something right, when I fall short somewhere, thoughts of self-loathing and doubt plague me. They do nothing to build me up, nothing to give me hope for a better tomorrow. Please help me to change my thoughts. Help me to draw closer and lean into you when I am searching for a better tomorrow. You are the True Source of peace in my life. Only you can quiet my discontent. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Good Morning, Mary. I enjoyed this post very much.
Blessings to you this week.