I close my office door to drown out the voices around me–to find the center of myself–the place where I meet with God. There with closed eyes and clasped hands the darkness of emptying myself meets the Light.
The hard stuff either grows us deeper or makes us search for answers in things that can never satisfy. Activity fills the silence of our souls with noise to mask the uncomfortable feelings of change, pulling…tugging at us. We resist change at all cost, running, ignoring, fighting, turning our backs, making ourselves busy, heard, loud. The humdrum of the keyboard on the computer, our ipads, phones…drown out the quiet whispering of God, “Come to me“, he invites. “When you search for me with all your heart, there you will find me“…
Our yearning, aching for recognition, acknowledgement, affirmation are signs of the soul crying out to believe in something greater. When I try to do something for the applause of others I lose myself. A life lived this way is a life without Hope. Hope reflects belief. Hope quiets itself to listen for God’s voice in the stillness. Hope is in the wind, His voice in the falling leaves, the sprinkling wet that comes down, in a gentle pitter-patter on the roof.
There are seasons during our lives when we feel we have little control over the events that are happening to or around us, rendering us hopeless. I too, have belly-ached through long seasons like this.
Hope says, “I have you covered“…Hope believes that there is a God who can change our circumstance in an instant. During my time of hopelessness, I memorized a psalm of David when he was in the desert:
O god, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. my soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:1-8
Our souls thirst for God and without Him…we.lose.hope. A culture of busyness has robbed us of silence and it is only through the silence of the soul that we truly commune with the Light of God. In silence we wonder at the beauty of His creation, the beauty of struggle, hardship…moments…simplicity. Just as the snow falls silently, beautifully graceful and blankets the world with a wintery coat, so the wings of God do also. He says, “I have you covered “…
Beautifully worded my dear friend. This fast paced life that we live does take so much away … I have found that meditating for at least 10 mins. each day is helping me re-connect to GOD…. sending you many hugs and blessings across the miles. Hugs, C. (HHL)
So glad you are taking time out to re-connect…moments where you can hide beneath the shelter of his wing.
What a beautiful post…and very timely. You are so right about the need to get away from the noise and focus on Him. I love the silence…when I finally am disciplined enough to make it happen…turn off the TV, put away my laptop, etc. I love the scripture here. How cn you read it not be totally blessed? Again…I say thank you, Mary, for this post.
Have a blessed week,
Peace. Shalom, Debby. He has you covered.