It is human nature to aspire to do great things, but healthier to be happy with yourself just as you are and know that you are loved and valued beyond anything your hands can do or any tasks you may perform. When we still ourselves and focus on the beauty of each moment, giving thanks– we are more likely to find purpose.
As Mother Teresa so aptly put it, “we can do no great things, only small things with great love.” Maintaining spiritual health through prayer, meditation, fasting and solitude will supply us with inner peace and an understanding that God does not judge us by performance, He looks at our heart. “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” Luke 10:27. When we put God first and give him our hearts, he will help us find purpose.
Mother Teresa understood the infinite value of humanity because she spent her days in simple adoration, serving God. She saw him in every deed and in every face and therefore, her work became a daily act of service to her creator. When we listen for God’s gentle voice, He gives us an understanding of His great Love for us and the wisdom to know that deeds cannot get us to heaven…busyness….fruitless effort, achievement and success do not define purpose. God is our purpose. Worship is our purpose…putting other things first is simply distraction.
The discontented places in our hearts do not stem from a lack of purpose, but rather–from a lack of understanding that we are truly loved—with a shalom kind of love… (Complete, perfect and full). Our Godly purpose is to live Shalom. “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”
Thank you, Debby Ray. These are some of my favorite photos because I remember the day perfectly. It was last year, Thanksgiving weekend and we were walking a parcel of property we were hoping to purchase. God had other plans and someone bought it out from under us, but we have the beautiful photos of that special day. There is something so spiritual about being in me a clearer perspective.
A lovely post. I wish I was out there in that lovely about now 🙂
Love that quote from Mother Theresa! Stopping by from Courtney’s today.
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Bless you.